Relieve Neck Tension with This Easy Hand Exercise

photo of hand with finger pointing at it…

  Despite the recommendation by Wilson Phillips in their 1990 hit single “Hold On,” sometimes you need to release, especially when it comes to your hands. If you’re like me, your hands spend the day doing things that require a closed grip when working. Things like typing, writing, chopping, cooking, carrying, gardening, driving, holding a […]

Relieve Forearm, Shoulder and Neck Pain with the Thumb Stretch

Our hands are an easily overlooked part of the body when it comes to release work and alignment. We rarely even think about our hands, and everything we use them for, until something hurts or stops working. Consider everything you use your hands for every day: making food, typing, texting, cleaning, gardening, driving, just to […]

What Stretch Do Smartphones, Knitting and Cycling Have in Common?

If you spend a lot of time doing things with your hands, like using a computer or smartphone, knitting, or cycling, you will love today’s exercise. When you use your hands a lot, it’s important to balance the upper-body stress and tension you create with release work. The forearms are one of the most overlooked […]