Scarcity and Your Pilates Practice

I recently had the pleasure of taking an entire week off strictly for vacation. And I didn’t work on one single blog post! While taking a break may sound simple and easy enough, for me it’s a giant accomplishment. Why, you ask? Simply because I have believed for a long time that I just couldn’t […]

The Many Benefits of Flushing Your Keys Down the Toilet

I believe we teach what we ourselves need to learn. Even, and especially, if we aren’t aware we’re doing so. I have no doubt this is why I became a Pilates instructor. Although I didn’t know it at the time, teaching was the only way for me to learn how to internalize new connections that my […]

The Power and Peril of Affirmations and Your Body

I’ve got some new videos brewing that will demonstrate some exercises to help you build a healthy fascial structure. But while we’re waiting for those, I wanted to share some big news and a message that I think is more important than just about anything else. Actually, I’m pretty excited to share this with you! […]

5 Tools to Achieve Your Pilates Goals

  The end of the year is getting so much closer than ever and if you’re at all like me, I bet you’ve had a thought or two about things like promises you made to yourself last year around this time. I’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between the times I set and […]

What You Think is What You Get: Seeing Our True Beauty

Have you ever had a Pilates session, or nice long walk, and gotten that awesome feeling of accomplishment when you finished? Have you also noticed that, with that feeling of accomplishment, you’re more happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? Lately this has absolutely been the case for me as I’ve been […]