Three Keys to a Strong, Stable Spine

What do your imagination, breath, and sense of touch all have in common?  They might seem unrelated at first, but each of these elements is a key to unlocking a vital muscular system in your body—namely, the deep core. When your deep core muscles work, it feels different than, say, how your abs feel during […]

Learn to Find, Feel, and Activate Your Multifidus for Low Back Health

Your multifidus is a group of deep muscles that attach to your spine, connecting all the way from your sacrum up to your neck. When these muscles engage, they expand, in a positive way, to hug and stabilize your spine. This deep spinal hug lets you move, dance, walk, twist, whatever move you need to […]

How to Do the Ultimate Pilates Roll-Down – Part 1 of 3

  Most people lose the real benefits of the Pilates roll-down exercise and never realize it. In this new video series, I’ve broken the roll-down into basic steps that will completely upgrade the way you do it and help you get way more out of it. In today’s video I’m going to show you the […]

Are You Damaging Your Pelvic Floor with Ab Work?

Mastering the basics will help you avoid damaging many body parts, but in this article we’re going to look at how to avoid damaging your pelvic floor. You might be surprised to learn just how common a problem this is in many fitness circles, not just Pilates.

The Amazing Powers of Your Mysterious Multifidus

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about today’s video. I’ve been wanting to make a video with this exercise for a very long time! Today you’re going to connect to the deepest muscles in your back, your multifidus. When I first discovered this connection in my body, light bulbs of understanding […]