Your Shin Bone’s Connected to Your Lower Leg Discomfort

  If you have discomfort in the front of your lower legs, AKA your shins, the exercise in today’s video is for you. The shins are a “hard to reach” area and a painful problem for many people. As a human living in a modern world, there’s a good chance your body has adapted to […]

Hip Flexor Relief Workshop Part 2: Posterior Hips

Featured Image - Hip Flexor Relief Workshop Part 2: Posterior Hips

  I hope you enjoyed the first part of the Hip Flexor Relief Workshop. In part one of our mini workshop, we focused on release exercises specifically for the hip flexors and quads. In part two, we’ll focus on the backside of the hips and you’ll learn a couple very effective exercises inspired by Kit […]

The Double Calf Stretch

Today’s video takes the recent Calf Stretch and Hamstring Assessment videos and combines them into a single ultra-effective exercise for the back line of your body. Your muscles and soft tissue respond  to the position you spend most of your time in by shortening and/or lengthening. This is one of the reasons it’s so important […]

Turn the Fascia Cat into a Super Hamstring & Calf Stretch

 (This is part two of a three-part series where we break the Fascia Cat Stretch down into its component parts.) In the last video we focused on spinal articulation and looked at how tight legs can block movement of the spine and pelvis. Today I’ll show you an exercise to help with leg tightness by turning […]