This Twisty Tricky Move Will Benefit Your Whole Body


What’s stable yet mobile and loves to twist? Need a hint? You have two, and each one has 26 bones, 33 joints, 56 ligaments, 20-plus muscles, and 7,000 nerve endings—yes, SEVEN-THOUSAND! Give up? It’s your feet! Your feet play a vital role in your body’s overall function and probably aren’t getting the time and attention […]

How to Realign Your Toes and Relieve Tightness in Your Feet

Foot health equals whole-body health and, unfortunately, the design of many modern shoes doesn’t support the health of our feet. When the alignment of your foot is altered by a narrow and/or lifted toe box, or a lifted heel (which includes the padded heels found in many running shoes) it’s going to impact the way […]

If You Wear Shoes, You Need This Calf Stretch

I’ve really been looking forward to sharing today’s exercise with you! I learned this stretch in Katy Bowman’s Restorative Exercise™ program, and it’s the most simple and effective calf stretch I’ve ever come across. First, though, you need to know why this is so important. When your lower legs (calves, shins, etc.) get too tight, they […]

Turn the Fascia Cat into a Super Hamstring & Calf Stretch

 (This is part two of a three-part series where we break the Fascia Cat Stretch down into its component parts.) In the last video we focused on spinal articulation and looked at how tight legs can block movement of the spine and pelvis. Today I’ll show you an exercise to help with leg tightness by turning […]

How to Reactivate the Natural Spiraling Motion of Your Feet

Something I learned from one of my favorite teacher in the world is to teach a feeling within an exercise as opposed to just teaching an exercise. You see, if I can teach you a feeling that you can identify with when you walk out of the studio door, you’re much more likely to embody […]