New Year’s Gift—Full Psoas, Shoulders & Neck Class from PTO Online

Happy New Year! 🎉 We’re kicking off 2023 with a special post, and something I’ve never shared on the blog—a peek inside the Pilates Tonic Online (PTO) membership with the most popular Live Class replay from last year. This class is all about a muscle called the psoas (sounds like ‘so-as’) and how it impacts […]

This is My Go-To Neck and Shoulder Stretch

featured image picturing Sydney holding out her right arm

  I was saving the exercise in today’s video for later this year (something about saving the best for last :D) as this is one of my absolute favorite go-to exercises. But, as I was reading through different requests and questions that have come in recently, I noticed a theme around neck and shoulder tension/tightness […]

Relieve Neck Tension with This Easy Hand Exercise

photo of hand with finger pointing at it…

  Despite the recommendation by Wilson Phillips in their 1990 hit single “Hold On,” sometimes you need to release, especially when it comes to your hands. If you’re like me, your hands spend the day doing things that require a closed grip when working. Things like typing, writing, chopping, cooking, carrying, gardening, driving, holding a […]

Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension with This Simple Move

Quick question for you about your arms and upper body… When was the last time you took your arms overhead, e.g., reached for the ceiling or tried to touch the door frame as you walked through? Has it been a while? Go ahead and try it right now. Lift your arms and reach like you’re […]