The Amazing Powers of Your Mysterious Multifidus

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about today’s video. I’ve been wanting to make a video with this exercise for a very long time! Today you’re going to connect to the deepest muscles in your back, your multifidus. When I first discovered this connection in my body, light bulbs of understanding […]

Understanding Your Core Connections, Part 1

We’ve been working on a new video series that teaches the absolute, fundamental core connections you need in order to have a body that feels good to live in. Learning these connections is for everyone, whether you do Pilates, or any other exercise, or don’t even exercise at all. Your core muscles are the deepest […]

New Fascial Conditioning 6-Week Series Starts August 28th

Photo of Mother and Daughter in Pilates Class

  Recently I attended another Fascial Conditioning workshop with fascia-nado, Tom Myers and fascia-nada Divo Müller. It was a fantastic workshop! In fact, it was so good I created a brand new series just to share this cutting-edge fascial fitness material with you. But first, I have a short story that really illustrates why fascial […]

Why Weird is Beautiful When it Comes to Your Shoes

Four years ago I started wearing some interesting looking, if not downright ugly, shoes and I’ve never been happier with my choice of footwear. I used to have collapsed arches and pronated ankles, especially on my left side. And though doctors and foot specialists like to say that there is nothing you can do to […]

A Pain-Relieving, Solo Hip Flexor Stretch You’ll Really Love

Whether you run long distance, sit in a chair all day, or find yourself somewhere in between those extremes, today I’m going to show you a key stretch that is going to make you feel fantastic! Our challenging modern lifestyle pretty much guarantees we’ll need to stretch our hip flexors if we want to relieve […]

A Simple Low-Back Pain Solution

If you suffer from a chronic dull ache in your low back, I’ve got a simple solution that could help that ache go away forever. But before I get to the solution, take a second and check out how you’re sitting as you read this right now. Is the majority of your weight on the […]