How a Milkshake Straw Can Help You Activate Your Core Muscles

Pop quiz: What does a milkshake straw have to do with your spine and core muscles? And no, it has nothing to do with calories or my favorite dessert! Give up? As strange as it may sound, the visual of a milkshake straw is fantastic for connecting with deep muscles in your body that stabilize […]

How to Realign Your Toes and Relieve Tightness in Your Feet

Foot health equals whole-body health and, unfortunately, the design of many modern shoes doesn’t support the health of our feet. When the alignment of your foot is altered by a narrow and/or lifted toe box, or a lifted heel (which includes the padded heels found in many running shoes) it’s going to impact the way […]

A Subtle Hip Flexor Stretch that Releases Hidden Tightness

Your body adapts to the way you use it every day. For example, when you walk, your hip flexors stretch to one length and, when you sit, they become dramatically shorter. This flexibility according to need is very important. If you spend a lot of time sitting every day, your body eventually learns that you […]

If You Wear Shoes, You Need This Calf Stretch

I’ve really been looking forward to sharing today’s exercise with you! I learned this stretch in Katy Bowman’s Restorative Exercise™ program, and it’s the most simple and effective calf stretch I’ve ever come across. First, though, you need to know why this is so important. When your lower legs (calves, shins, etc.) get too tight, they […]

An Easy Way to Strengthen Your Back

Many back strengthening, or extension, exercises have you lie on your stomach and lift your upper body (or your legs, or both) off the ground. While these exercises can be effective for some people, it causes many, many others to sink into the low back, and bend in places that already bend too much, just to […]

The Ultimate Cat-Cow Stretch Tweak

The Cat/Cow stretch can be a really fantastic exercise and today I want to make it even better! In this video you’ll learn a simple technique to enhance the cat/cow stretch. I bet you’ve probably tried this exercise before, but I think today’s simple tweak will make it even better, whether you’re a cat/cow expert, […]