Wipe Away Hip Flexor and Quad Tightness with this Simple Move

This week I have an exercise for you that not only feels fantastic but also provides an effective way to move and stretch the front of your hips and thighs—specifically, your hip flexors and quadriceps.

These are the muscles that attach your legs to the front of your body, so as you can imagine, they’re pretty essential, especially when walking and standing.

Sitting a lot, which is the norm in our culture, causes these muscles, and related soft tissue, to adapt by shortening.

While short, tight, congested hips feel uncomfortable, this muscle congestion also inhibits walking and standing and leads to compensation patterns, inactive glutes, and knee problems.

That’s why I’m always looking for ways to move and release this vital area because when your hips and legs move freely, your whole body moves with more freedom and ease.

So get ready to find tight spots you didn’t know you had and feel great in the process!

All you need is a comfortable spot where you can lie down.

I’m always curious about how these exercises and tips go when you try them out. So let me know how this exercise feels to you in the comments below the video.

With happy hip flexors,


P.S. Your body is constantly adapting and changing to how you use it most. So if you discover your body has adapted to sitting, it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. No matter how old you are, if you change how you’re using your body, your body will change!

P.P.S. Creating more freedom and ease in your body is what The Pilates Tonic Membership is all about. It’s been getting a fabulous makeover and is almost ready for you! I can’t wait to share more about this new offering and all the ways it will help you keep your hip flexors and the rest of your body happy!

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the Pilates Tonic Online membership or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

19 Responses

      1. I’m so happy to hear this exercise felt good! Thanks for letting me know, Theresa, and I hope your hip keeps feeling better and better!

  1. Sydney, this movement was right on time as I have started going into the office again occasionally. Was feeling stiff this morning and this felt great. Also happy to take positive action to address. I hope to add this to my regular routine. Thank you! Suza

  2. As always another great exercise. Adding the flexed foot option is so much deeper. Thank you
    Plus you are so easy to listen to and watch. Great energy!

  3. Great exercise, Sydney but, because of a lumbar-sacral fusion (20 Yrs ago, L4- S1) would there be an alternate stretch you could recommend for me & others in a similar situation? I don’t dare do too much twisting.That area of my lower back is very, very tight.
    Thank you for all your brilliant work! I’ve been following you for some time & have tried so many of your other stretches with great relief.

    1. For sure! You could try this one without letting your pelvis lift and focus on allowing just the legs to swipe left to right. It might feel like a smaller range of motion, but still helpful without the twisting.

      Here’s an alternative hip flexor stretch you might like:

      Also, one for the quadriceps:

      And here’s my favorite exercise for a tight lower back:

      Thanks for your question and kind feedback, Linda!

  4. Thanks for this! Your information expanded my appreciation of this stretch. A little different/better than what I’ve picked up in yoga over the years.

  5. this exercise helps so much when dealing with aging adolescent-aquired scoliosis (imbalances) & kyphosis, thx so much!

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