Three Keys to a Strong, Stable Spine

What do your imagination, breath, and sense of touch all have in common?  They might seem unrelated at first, but each of these elements is a key to unlocking a vital muscular system in your body—namely, the deep core. When your deep core muscles work, it feels different than, say, how your abs feel during […]

Undo Rounded Shoulders and Slumped Spines with This Exercise

I practice a few exercises every day without fail, and today I’m going to show you my favorite one. This exercise is an essential piece of the posture puzzle, and it’s fantastic for shoulders and spines that have succumbed to modern living by rounding forward. It’s a simple and effective chest stretch. You’ll need a […]

“Don’t Flex Your Spine!” they said. I Disagree…

To bend the spine, or not to bend the spine, that is the question. Bending the spine, or spinal flexion, is a hot-button topic in the exercise world, and there’s contradictory evidence everywhere on the subject. And if you’re familiar with Pilates, you know spinal flexion is a significant component in many traditional exercises. At […]

Are You Making This “Good-Posture” Mistake?

Have you ever been working at the computer and felt like your spine was cementing itself into the hunched-up shape you were sitting in? And when you tried to straighten yourself up and “sit right,” you could only maintain it for maybe 30 seconds because it’s exhausting to sit that way? If so, you might […]

The Ultimate Cat-Cow Stretch Tweak

The Cat/Cow stretch can be a really fantastic exercise and today I want to make it even better! In this video you’ll learn a simple technique to enhance the cat/cow stretch. I bet you’ve probably tried this exercise before, but I think today’s simple tweak will make it even better, whether you’re a cat/cow expert, […]